
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shilo and Me

Air Force friend Shilo ("Young child with dreams..." yes, she was named after Neil Diamond's song) in front of CHU (meat locker)

Monday, August 29, 2011

The "Peter Principle"

The Peter Principle states that "in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence", meaning that employees tend to be promoted until they reach a position at which they cannot work competently.

This made me laugh. I'm glad there is actually a "term" for it.  Can you tell I have a lot of time on my hands? 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Random photos from the past week

Picture of "everyone Navy" in our office (minus 3)...more than the Army folks in our office. What's wrong with this picture (not really the "picture," but the "concept")?

Mildly disturbing "Elf-Frog" found in our former office space as we were cleaning up.

Even more disturbing donning sunglasses.

Got this "larger" espresso maker for our afternoon "ritual." This picture was taken just moments after the hotplate (at left) required more wattage than the transformer, into which it was plugged, was able to provide-therefore "torching" the transformer and turning it into a smoke machine. Caught it just before it started flaming and the sprinklers released. One of our best cups of espresso though! So far, we've gone through 1 electric espresso maker and 2 transformers. Steep learning curve.

Iraq Court for Former Regime Crimes (Parental Discretion is Advised)

Flag hanging in the courthouse. Just a few touch-ups and just like new.

Outside the courthouse

Mock-up of where Saddam was found hiding.

Actual rope used for Saddam's hanging. The rigging was moved from the site and cut down to fit in the museum (and I use the term "museum" loosely).

Contraption in which Saddam's son tortured people, including the Iraqi Olympic soccer players. He'd put them in it and hang it outside, in the heat for hours, in various positions.

Some of Saddam's personal items found on him when he was captured.

Mass grave picture.

"I am here."

Scaled miniature version of hide-out. Apparently the Spec-OPs guys almost missed it until one noticed a light coming through the floor-boards of the house above.

The chair in which Saddam was seated during his hearing.

Watch and ring of Saddam's

Apparently, they gave Saddam enough rope...

Our group with the judge of the court.